• A division of Alfred Teves Brake System PTY LTD

Supreme Spring growing its Suppliers

Delivering a Competitiveness Improvement project

Supreme Spring growing its Suppliers article altrnative text

In conjunction with the training and support offered by TSAM and Supreme Spring, ASCCI is delivering a Competitiveness
Improvement project focusing on three key development aspects: best practice manufacturing; general business support
and mentoring and business development.
Born out of a garage in 1994, Naicker’s Toolmakers and Metal Pressing, specialises in metal pressing, tool, jig and die
making, fabrication and general machining in the metal, mining, automotive and lighting industries. Additional services
include powder coating welding and bending. With regards to its participation in the automotive sector, Naicker’s
Toolmakers operate as a Tier 2 supplier to Supreme Spring (Tier 1) and produces a range of automotive component parts,
including clinch clips for local and foreign produced vehicles.

Based on recommendations of a benchmarking exercise and firm-level assessment undertaken by ASCCI, the intervention
applies standards of safety, ‘housekeeping’, measurement and reporting, record keeping and traceability for products
manufactured and supplied. In addition, the scope includes; mentoring in areas of operations and client relationships, best
practice and lean manufacturing support.

Kim Nisbet, Senior Manager of Enterprise and Supplier Development from Toyota South Africa noted, “Naicker’s is a small
business that has a team with an abundance of passion, technical capability and desire to succeed. The ASCCI BSDP with
the support of Toyota and Supreme Spring, enabled them to grasp the stringent level required to be an Automotive supplier.
The programme is designed to get the supplier to this level and keep them there. This is in keeping with the objectives of
the SAAM which is to create Sustainable Black-owned suppliers in the value chain. To date, we have seen remarkable
improvements and have no doubt that they will continue to supply into the Automotive sector in the future.”
Mohammed Moola from Supreme Spring noted that the benefit derived from the project is “in respect of the overall quality
and delivery performance. Naicker’s Quality Management System and Supplier Performance has improved significantly
since the inception of this programme.” He further noted that this project assisted Supreme Spring in respect of their
BBBEE objectives.
A full report on the Naicker’s Toolmakers Case Study will be available in the ASCCI Q1 2019 Newsletter.
For more information and to engage in the Black Supplier Development Program, please contact the ASCCI facilitation
team on ascci@bmanalysts.com and 031 764 6100.


  • 15 Feb 2019


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