• A division of Alfred Teves Brake System PTY LTD

Employee Wellness

Our people do great things

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Employee Wellness

Promoting Health Activities & Initiatives at Supreme Spring

We are pleased to provide you with an update on our Health and wellness initiatives.

At Supreme Spring, we believe that the well-being of our employees is of utmost importance. We strive to create a work environment that fosters not only professional growth but also physical and mental well-being. In recent months, we have implemented various employee wellness initiatives to fulfill our commitment.

A vital aspect of our wellness program is the promotion of preventive health measures. We firmly believe that early detection plays a crucial role in combating diseases. In line with this belief, we have facilitated cancer screenings for our employees that includes cervical cancer (Pap smear) and prostate cancer screening.

Furthermore, we understand the importance of disease prevention therefore we have conducted disease testing campaigns for our employees to undergo tests for various diseases, such as diabetes.

Supreme Spring facilitates regular blood drives in collaboration with SANBS. These drives are held conveniently at our premises and by engaging in this program, our employees not only support a worthy cause but also enhance their well-being.

In conclusion, Supreme Spring is dedicated to promoting employee wellness through a range of health activities and initiatives. By focusing on mental health, preventive measures, and disease awareness, we create an environment that supports our employees' overall well-being. Our goal is to foster a healthy and productive workforce, and we will continue to improve our efforts to ensure the continued success and well-being of our employees.


Some of our other Wellness Facilities include

  • Mental Health
  • HIV
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Cholera Awareness
  • 13 Jul 2023


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